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Local Social Media Management Tool

Generate local content for multiple local pages on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. Announce your new products and events, boost your online visibility from within a single platform. An easy-to-use social media management tool to monitor, create and post community-specific content.

Trusted by 6000+ users worldwide

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Why you should tailor your social media posts?

Rank higher on local search

Publish Google Posts to improve your local visibility and rankings.

Get more store and website visits

Consistent localized posts will improve your UX, website traffic, and store visits.
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Better local engagement and trust

Deliver locally-relevant content to international and regional communities.
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What are local posts?

Adapting your brand messaging for local audiences is the best way to drive higher engagement. With PinMeTo Posts, you can create location-specific content, schedule, and publish posts in bulk on all your local pages. Post updates or seasonal offers for each location to attract more customers to your locations.

What you can do with PinMeTo Posts

Post Locally

  • Post to multiple local pages at once on Facebook, Instagram, and Google.
  • Select pages to post to by city, region, country, or any other grouping you like.
  • Publish directly, or schedule Google, Facebook, and Instagram posts for future release.

Customize Messaging

  • Dynamic fields allow you to tailor messages to local audiences, at scale.
  • Include location-specific info, like location or email address.
  • Keep your frequently-used assets close at hand in the built-in media library.

Track Performance

  • Insights like impressions and reach let you see the combined impact of your posts and local social media management.
  • See insights as high-level as your company’s lifetime post performance, or as granular as the results of a single post from a single location.
  • Import insights from posts made outside of PinMeTo Posts.
  • Edit published posts.
  • See post history.

More than just posts

Publishing local social media posts is not the only thing you can do with PinMeTo. Grow your impressions by building different social media strategies for each location and analyzing the insights from different local pages.

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Post in bulk

Save time by automating repetitive actions

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Publish local content

Easy way to target each market

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Get insights

Make data-driven decisions based on the reports

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Schedule Google Posts

Encourage users to interact with your listings

Local social media management made easy